Animas River Trails
At the very heart of Farmington, you will find a beautiful system of 8+ miles of trails nestled along the Animas River. Visitors can enjoy walking, running, and biking along the trails and explore parks, playgrounds, the Riverside Nature Center, and the All Veterans Memorial year-round.
Berg Park access, intersection of San Juan Blvd. and Scott Ave.

The Animas River Trail system offers over 8 miles of trails to explore and includes paved, dirt, wood chip, and cobblestone paths. The river trails are popular with individuals looking to exercise as well as bird watchers. More than 100 species of birds have been identified throughout the trail system and parks. Stop by the Riverside Nature Center for a bag of free bird food, and feed the ducks and geese as you walk along the river.
Animas Park and Berg Park are popular access points to the trail system. The Animas River Whitewater Park, All Veterans Memorial Plaza and Riverside Nature Center can all be accessed from the trails. The trail system has been designated as a certified National Recreational Trail. The City of Farmington, River Reach Foundation, and Farmington residents are working to grow the trail system and enhance its offerings. For additional information, download the Farmington Recreation Trails Map and Farmington Recreation Trail Map 2.
Trail Access
Outdoor lovers can access the trail system from multiple parks and entrances. The Berg Park entrance is found at the intersection of Scott Avenue and San Juan Boulevard. The All Veterans Memorial Park Plaza and Whitewater Park entrance is located just south of the San Juan Boulevard and Tucker Avenue intersection. The Animas Park and Riverside Nature Center entrances are located on Browning Parkway, use the turn off for the Farmington Animal Shelter. The westside access point is at Boyd Park, near the intersection of East Pinon Street and South Miller Avenue in Farmington.