Frank Ruggles Chasing Light on Land and Sky

Frank Ruggles Chasing Light on Land and Sky

Previously Held
Aztec Ruins and Chaco Culture N.H.P
Aztec Ruins National Monument and Chaco Culture N.H.P. will host author and photographer Frank Ruggles. Ruggles will present at Aztec Ruins Friday, September 7 from 12:00 to 4:00 p.m. and at Chaco on Saturday, September 8 all day with a special lecture at 7:30 p.m.

Event Information

Aztec Ruins and Chaco Culture N.H.P
Aztec, New Mexico
Aztec Ruins National Monument
Visit Website

On Friday through Saturday, September 7-8, Aztec Ruins National Monument and Chaco Culture National Historical Park welcomes Frank Ruggles, author and former official photographer for the National Park Service, for an afternoon of talks and book signings. With exclusive access to behind-the-scenes locations and unique skills as an Army veteran, Ruggles’ new book “Chasing Light: An Exploration of the American Landscape” shares exemplary images of the country’s national parks and public lands and personal tales of his photographic quests.

Ruggles will be at Aztec Ruins on Friday, offering presentations at 12:00 and 4:00 pm with details of his adventures and signing his latest book, available for purchase. Saturday, September 8th, he will move on to Chaco Culture all day, discussing the book and signing copies. That evening, at 7:30pm, Ruggles will give a talk detailing his experiences photographing National Parks and night skies. After the talk, the Albuquerque Astronomical Society and Park Rangers will open telescopes for visitors to view the planets and deep space objects.

At the same time, Ruggles will relocate to the Fajada Butte pull-out to offer a night sky photography workshop. Bring your own equipment or Ruggles has also graciously offered visitors the opportunity to use his own equipment to learn. If you wish to learn on his professional camera, bring your own SD card so you can take home your very own Chaco night sky photo! This opportunity to chase your own light is not to be missed.

For more information, call Aztec Ruins NM at 505-334-6174 or Chaco Culture N.H.P. at 505-786-7014. 

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