Jicarilla Apache Reservation
Located in the mountains and mesas of north-central New Mexico, the Jicarilla Apache landscape offers diverse scenery, from forests of Ponderosa Pines to flats dotted with Sagebrush.
POB 507 Dulce, NM 87528

The Jicarilla (hē-kə-ˈrē-yə ) Apache Nation is located in north-central New Mexico. Dulce, New Mexico is the Jicarilla Apache Nation Headquarters and is located 90 miles east of Farmington on US Hwy 64. Today, there are approximately 3,500 tribal members, most of whom live in Dulce, New Mexico.
For additional information contact the Jicarilla Apache Nation
Jicarilla Apache Nation
PO Box 507
Dulce, NM 87528
(575) 759-3242
Hunting and Fishing on the Jicarilla Apache Reservation
The Jicarilla Apache reservation features hunting of some of the largest antlered mule deer on the continent. The Jicarilla Apache tribe maintains a large hunting, fishing, and outdoor recreation operation in the beautiful northern New Mexico wilderness. For hunting and fishing information, contact Jicarilla Game and Fish.
Jicarilla Game & Fish
PO Box 313
Dulce, NM 87528
(575) 759-3255
Special Events on Jicarilla Apache Reservation
Special events on the Jicarilla reservation include the Little Beaver Roundup annually in July. Activities include a rodeo, carnival, and Indian dances. The Go-Jii-Ya feast is celebrated on September 15 every year at Stone Lake, 18 miles south of Dulce.