Dunes Vehicle Recreation Area
Over 800 acres of fun is waiting for off-road enthusiasts at the Dunes Vehicle Recreation Area. Located just 1.5 miles south of Farmington, this OHV area has been created by 40+ years of off-road vehicle use.
Highway 371, Farmington, NM

The Dunes Recreational Vehicle Area contains a wide variety of topography including large sand dunes, steep to gentle hillsides, and sandy arroyo bottoms. Innumerable roads and trails exist in the Dunes area, attracting a variety of motorized activity and provides riders a place to play, test their endurance, and improve their skills.
- Activities: OHV, ATV, UTV, Motorcycle
- Terrain: large sand dunes, steep to gentle hillsides, sandy arroyo
- Facilities: A vault toilet is provided for public use at the bottom of the recreation area
- Located: 1.5 miles south of Farmington on Hwy. 371
- No fees
- Open year-round.
- The recreation area may be closed to the public for short periods during authorized events.
Dunes Recreation Area Special Rules
Ride only in areas open for use; private property and tribal lands are adjacent to the Dunes Vehicle Recreation Area. Be a responsible user and stay within the boundaries of the recreation area. Firewood gathering is prohibited. Shooting is prohibited. Permits are required for commercial, competitive and organized group events.
Helpful Contacts
BLM Farmington Field Office
6251 College Blvd. Suite A
Farmington, NM 87402
(505) 564-7600
(800) 842-3127