Let’s BEE Pollinator Pals!

Let’s BEE Pollinator Pals!

Previously Held April 18, 2023 - August 16, 2023
Riverside Nature Center
Let’s get this pollination party started! On the 3rd Tuesday of the month, April through July, the Riverside Nature Center will have fun and engaging programming on pollinators! The event will run 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm.

Event Information

Riverside Nature Center
Animas Park Farmington, NM
Riverside Nature Center
Visit Website

Did you know each pollinator has favorite flowers? Did you know bees and a few other pollinators can see the ultraviolet (UV) part of the light spectrum? Join the Riverside Nature Center each month for a different program pertaining to the Pollination Investigation Poster Exhibition! These programs are for children 6 and older. The fine print: Supplies and space may be limited.

  • May 16- Bee Baths-Feeding baby bees requires a lot of water.
  • June-20-Parts of Flower-Let’s see if we can find all the parts to a flower
  • July 18-Butterfly Lifecycles-Butterflies are important pollinators too!
  • August 15-Bats-Nightblooming plants are a favorite bat snack.
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