Leap Day Merriment

Leap Day Merriment

Previously Held February 29, 2024
E3 Children's Museum & Science Center
Hop, skip, or hurdle on over to the E3 Children's Museum & Science Center for what is bound to be a LEAPIN’ good shindig!!

Event Information

E3 Children's Museum & Science Center
302 N. Orchard Ave Farmington, NM

Every four years. we add an extra day to the calendar. This special "extra" day is called Leap Day and it is always on February 29th.  The E3 Children's Museum & Science Center staff thought it sounded like a good time for some FREE, family fun!!  So circle February 29th in red on your calendar and scamper on over before this special event bounces away for another 4 years!

FREE Vacation Guide