Previously Held
March 16, 2018
San Juan College Little Theatre
Experience history coming to life when Bob Julyan brings to life, Place Names of New Mexico.
Event Information
San Juan College Little Theatre
4601 College Boulevard Farmington, NM
Sangre de Cristo, Custer Mountain, Chi-chil-tah, Moggolon – such intriguing names rich with anecdotes and folklore. But place names also offer unique insights into the history and values of the state’s peoples. With humor and examples tailored to the locale, Bob Julyan gives audiences a lively names tour of the New Mexico landscape.
Bob Julyan is an Albuquerque-based writer and lecturer specializing in the connections between human and natural history. His Place Names of New Mexico is the standard reference. He has been chair of the New Mexico Geographic Names Committee for over 15 years and has written guides to the wilderness and the Continental Divide Trail.
- The Chautauqua performances are free and funded by the San Juan College Foundation, and presented by the San Juan College Encore Program, KSJE 90.9 FM, and the New Mexico Humanities Council.