Bloomfield Craft Fair

Bloomfield Craft Fair

Previously Held December 2, 2023
Bloomfield High School North Gym
Looking to get started on your Christmas shopping? The 11th Annual Fran Templeton Memorial Craft Fair is a great place to do just that!

Event Information

Bloomfield High School North Gym
520 North 1st St Bloomfield, NM

Come and shop for one-of-a-kind gifts at the 11th Annual Fran Templeton Memorial Craft Fair and help raise funds for the Bloomfield Boys & Girls Club. The Craft Fair will take place in the Bloomfield High School North Gym from 9:00am-3:00pm on Saturday, December 2nd. The Bloomfield High School Cheerleaders will be volunteering.  Buy local and find some great last minute Christmas gifts!!

For more information on being a vendor, contact Cynthia Attencio at 505-486-6244. 

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